The Mounted Archer - Tuya, Queen of the Plains.

This is a beautiful figurine, crafted by Tim, the MidniteMaker, and is in 1/10th. scale.
Her name is "Tuya - Queen of the Plains" and is one of many wonderful 1/10th. designs from Ritual Casting.

I have only ever painted two horses in all the years of my delving into figurine painting and both of them were a lot smaller than the steed carrying Tuya! They were Napoleonics, white-metal castings and I think were in 75mm size.

I am intending to do Tuya's horse with an airbrush; conventional brush-painting would be likely to leave brush marks on the vast expanse of horse-hair. So I recently bought a relatively inexpensive airbrush kit (brush and compressor) and have had a couple of practices over the past fortnight.
At this time I have no intention of leaping straight in to the job....more practice is required.

But I have started to assemble said horse..........

The horse comes in four parts....hindquarters, mid-section, fore-quarters and neck with head.
Today I attached the three main body sections to each other and you can see where I have used plastic putty where the sections join. When dry this is gently cleaned away (modelling knife and emery paper) to leave as perfect a join as possible, with no gaps. The pieces are so accurately produced that gaps are minimal, anyway.

So I'll be setting Tuya's horse aside for a while as I work on painting Mini-Felicia.


UPDATE 27th. September

I have started the priming of Tuya's magnificent steed - an anatomically correct stallion, if I may add that snippet of info! - and below is a pic of the horse undergoing priming (the tail will be done separately).

Once the priming is hard I'll be micro-filling the gaps where the neck joins the fore-quarters and any other seams that need rendering. Then it will be on to the proper painting and I must admit to be somewhat fearful of doing that because I don't want to stuff-up what is a superbly-crafted figure.


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