Eowyn (continued)

I am currently applying the undercoat washes to miss Eowyn, and this is being done using Vallejo's "Model Air " acrylics.
From what I've been able to learn via images from the movies (and the action model shown in the first of this series) the colours are rather subdued and, I would imagine, hark back to a time when nature provided the dyes used for clothing. There certainly weren't any artificial man-made dyes.

So that being said, Eowyn's garb will, apart from the chain-mail, be predominantly earthy colours for the fabrics and brown/red for the leather pieces and belts.

My intention is to do the final detailing using artist's oils, in a similar fashion to the method I used for Felicia.

Oh....you may also note that she is no longer holding her sword, the result of my clumsiness (again). However, it will stay removed until the last thing so that I reduce the likelihood of dislodging it again!

More will follow.


UPDATE: Sunday 27th. August 2023

I have decided to finish her billowing cloak in a shade of blue, so have undercoated that it a blue acrylic.
In addition, I have completed her chain-mail and this is how it was done:-

  • A light wash of Air Rust mixed with Air Aluminium over the grey primer.
  • Once dry, another wash of the same.
  • After several days, a wash of Air Black and that was followed by another wash.
  • After a week, when the paints were totally dried and hardened, I simply lightly rubbed over the surface with a pencil eraser. This had the effect of removing any black paint from the raised surfaces but left it in the tiny depressions in the texture of the material

 For the next update I'll do a new page.


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