Two 35mm characters.

Two 35mm characters

The first of these two has already been displayed here and when I made the base out of modelling clay I did so with the intention of mounting them side-by-side.

Made by the same company (Nuts Planet), the second figure is called "Overwatcher" and came with alternative weaponry - one (as displayed) with an automatic pistol in her hand and the other where she is holding a rifle.

Preparation followed the same format as the previous figures in this scale, with the cleaned-up casting primed in grey auto lacquer and after a couple of days to ensure that it was dry and hardened I laid down a wash of acrylics in the basic colours.

Once they had dried it was onto the detailing and in this case I elected to do the trousers as a camo-combat effect, based roughly on that of the US Army in the 1960s.

Her sleeveless top was finished in all-over dull green and her hair finished in black.
She has been injured on the right arm and hand and is bandaged in those locations.

The detail on these tiny figures never ceases to amaze me.

Next item on the agenda is a 1/20th figure from the "Girls In Action" series, by Korean company ZLPLA and I will post details as the work progresses.




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