A couple of miniature miniatures!

A couple of miniature miniatures!

Whilst Felicia is still to be completed - detail work remains to be done and the oil paint has to dry properly before that can be attempted - I have been working on a couple of smaller figures, in 1/35th. scale.
They are tiny! 😀

Produced by Korean companies - Tori Factory and Nuts Planet.
The moulding is exquisite....so fine, yet these are resin castings, not 3-D printed.

I've completed one figure (Isadora, by Tori Factory) and have mounted it on a 20c piece. She was done in Vallejo "Model Air" acrylic paints - brushed on, not airbrushed.

The second figure, called "Scouter", is by Nuts Planet. and is in the final stages of detailing.
She is posed on a larger base because there will be another figure accompanying her, to be started after "Scouter" is finished.

That's "Scouter" in the foreground, temporarily assembled and ready to be washed and then primed.

These two photos show the figure mounted on the hand-crafted base, with final detail painting yet to be completed.
I have shown a standard matchstick in the second shot just to emphasise how tiny these figurines are.

Updates will be made as progress continues and once I finish Felicia I'll also be posting a couple of final pics of her here.

I also have a 1/20th figure (by Tori Factory) to be done at some point but certainly not until these others are completed.


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