
Mini-Felicia completed.

(Note that all images enlarge when clicked)  I am absolutely delighted with the way this 1/16th version of the Felicia figurine has turned out and have no hesitation in thanking MidniteMaker (Tim) for the superb job he did in printing her. All the detail that is found on the 1/10th version is there....every little bit, down to the smallest filigree on the skirt and the finest etching on her left arm. I finished the base in a sort of "industrial" mode....the gears and wheels, pipes and chequer-plate simply sprayed grey and then shaded with a grimy black wash. Even the green paint around the edge has been scuffed to appear worn.  The pedestal is a turned wooden block that I've had floating around for ages and although the resin base of the figure is oval, it still sits within the diameter of the surface of the block. All painting was completed using Vallejo's "Model Air" acrylics, all applied by hand. Although I had purchased an airbrush & compressor, I so

Mini-Felicia: She now has a head and both arms!

This morning I was able to attach her "power" left arm and also her head, having completed painting in the hard-to-get-at areas of both pieces. Her amoured left arm and automatic pistol have yet to be finally detailed, and her holsters and knife have to be painted prior to attaching to her legs.  Still plenty of detailing work left to complete but the little sister is getting closer to completion.

Mini-Felicia - Gradually getting there.

The 1/16th version of Felicia is slowly being clothed with paint. Over the past week I have finished her skirt/dress and have started on the leather accoutrements....her bodice, belts and leggings, the latter having just received a first wash today. There are a couple of methods I use to age, or give a weather-worn appearance to, clothing. With mini-Felicia, once the first two washes of blue were applied - and had hardened over a few days - I used a soft-bristled toothbrush, and a finger, to apply and gently rub Gumption over the high spots. This has the effect of thinning them and leaving the darker, thicker coats, in the recesses. For the leather a similar method is used but not with Gumption, just with a dry microfibre cloth and this practice adds a low sheen to the surface, simulating polished leather. The leggings will receive the same treatment once the final washes have been completed. Vallejo "Model Air" paints - hand-brushed -  have been used for all the painting of

The Mounted Archer - Tuya, Queen of the Plains.

This is a beautiful figurine, crafted by Tim, the MidniteMaker , and is in 1/10th. scale. Her name is "Tuya - Queen of the Plains" and is one of many wonderful 1/10th. designs from Ritual Casting. I have only ever painted two horses in all the years of my delving into figurine painting and both of them were a lot smaller than the steed carrying Tuya! They were Napoleonics, white-metal castings and I think were in 75mm size. I am intending to do Tuya's horse with an airbrush; conventional brush-painting would be likely to leave brush marks on the vast expanse of horse-hair. So I recently bought a relatively inexpensive airbrush kit (brush and compressor) and have had a couple of practices over the past fortnight. At this time I have no intention of leaping straight in to the job....more practice is required. But I have started to assemble said horse.......... The horse comes in four parts....hindquarters, mid-section, fore-quarters and neck with head. Today I attached the

Felicia's little sister....."Mini-me Felicia":

I got great pleasure out of assembling and painting the 1/10th Felicia so I recently made enquiries with Tim, the gentleman who 3D-printed the figurine, as to whether he could do the same young lady in a smaller scale. Tim advised that 1/16th would be the most viable - anything smaller (1/20th and below) would risk losing detail. So I placed a custom order with MidniteMaker and last week the box arrived and I wanted to display a shot comparing the two sizes. What you see of 1/16th Felicia are the raw pieces held together temporarily with Blu-Tak! I am delighted with the result. Perfect in every way and all the detail of the larger figure is evident in the smaller scale. At this time she has been cleaned and primed and is sitting on my workbench, ready to be painted. I'm looking forward to it. (Image enlarges when clicked)  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE SUNDAY 24th. September I have primed little Felicia and have temporarily assembled legs and her right arm to the body

Eowyn - Starting the finishing painting.

  It's early days yet, but I have started doing the finishing painting and I'm using oils. Today the first touches were applied to her hair and also the start of her face and neck....the only bare skin on the whole figure. She now has at least a bit of colour in her cheeks!  Much to be done yet. I'll start on the leather next.